Friday 21 August 2015

immorality replaces LOVE

It is gradually happening, slowly and slowly it's getting acceptance. Finding it's way into our lives, leaving the darkness and sadness of where it rightfully belongs and occupying the brightness and joys of our world.

WHAT IS IT?? You may ask ...
It is the lust in our souls!! The new but very popular feeling and desire to please the world. It is new to some of us but it has long been in existence. This feeling/desire can make or mar we humans but I am not talking of how it can make us today. Today I am talking about the trends it has brought into our lives. The trends this desires have forced some people to accept as the truth and what is right. Oh Lord help us!!

It is confusing how all of a sudden the ways and teachings of the generations before us have been swept under the carpet and hidden away from accessible book shelves. I am talking about those teachings that prohibit theft, unnecessary killing, fornication/adultery etc.
Our generation has forgotten what it TRULY means to Love and be Loved.