Wednesday 2 January 2019

What if (Episode .1)

What if after all the pain and suffering from this world,  the trials of the grave and nerve wrecking experience from the judgement day proceedings,
You are then called and being ushered to a place.
A place you have no idea of because maybe you weren't sure what your fate was after the proceedings.

You follow the usher in panic and fear, your heart beating as loud as thunder and you shake with every little sound you hear turning and looking around, wondering what your fate was.
Your mind begins to tremble as you pass by some people who are staring at you with a particular look on their faces.
A look you cannot define.
A part of you is scared the look might be of pity. Maybe you are being ushered to the pits of hell and they feel sorry for the trauma and misery that awaits you.
You begin to remember all you have read about hell and all the sins you committed that could lead you to it. Oh that one time you forgot to seek forgiveness for that act you thought was too little to land you in hell.
And as your legs begin to shake from fear, the other part of you remembers you aren't sure of your fate yet and begins to hope for something better.
But as you raise your head to see the gate to where you are being ushered, you realize the gate is huge and plain. "but the gates of Jannah weren't described to be so" you said in disbelief and fear of your new reality....
You where told everything  in heaven was pure and beautiful beyond imaginations hence, you  concluded you most definitely were being ushered to hell for those prayer's you missed, those lies you told,  the many gossips, the shirk, the zina....
You are now to be amongst the dwellers of hell.
You cry and cry and scream and fall on the ground.....
"Ya Rabbi forgive me, Have mercy on me for i believed" you screamed out loud!!
But then you remembered reading about how prayers will not be answered on that day.
You cry even more.
This must be a dream.!!
You begin to hit yourself, trying to wake up from this night mare.
But no, this was your new reality.!
Suddenly you noticed something strange.
"No one is pulling or dragging me to that plain gate... "
The usher wasn't there anymore...
You  turn around... "Gufranaka Ya Rabbi" you screamed as you trembled more in fear.
You keep turning in circles wondering were you where, and what was happening because all this doesn't add up to your previous knowledge.
No one is behind you and there seems to be no where else to go to except that gate...
You become more and more mystified because you can recall
..."Those who deny the Book (the Quran) and that with which We sent Our messengers – they are going to know, when the shackles are around their necks and the chains; they will be dragged in boiling water; then in the Fire they will be filled (with flame)." (Quran 40:70-72)"
"but this is nothing like that..." you said in doubt and uneasiness.
You decided to walk towards the gate.
With your hands quiveringing and your mind in panic...
You touched the gate slightly.... You weren't sure what to do. You stepped back again in fear.
But then you  see the gate open a little... It was as if someone was waiting at the other side.
You move closer and Alas....
A face, smiling with opened arms, with tears of joy running down the persons face...
You become speechless and begin to cry even more as you move closer in disbelief.
Your beautiful and beloved mother was there welcoming you.
Just as you were about to embrace her,  a familiar voice ...
"Peace be unto you, oh daughter/Son of mine, welcome... Peace be upon you; you have become pure; so enter it to abide eternally therein".....
Your beloved father. He died years ago, and now here he was... Looking healthy and strong.
You fall on your knees... Touch both their feet.
"Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilahi Rabbil Alamin... " You sing endlessly as you realize You actually made it to jannnah!! Masha Allah.
After everything....
You made it..!!
Allahuma inni as-alukaal jannah wa a"udhubika minan nar.!!

1 comment:

  1. Masha Allah wonderful words of remember day of judgement...
