Friday 17 February 2017

What makes us US

What defines your being?
What makes you whole?
What keeps your fire burning?
What gives your life a meaning?
What makes you YOU??
The questions are endless. They (and even more) cross my mind everyday. Sometimes i can answer but other times, it just leaves me in deep thoughts about life.

Thursday 16 February 2017

THE TRUE REALITY-2-(what we refuse to learn from lifes teachings)

I was meant to post this a long time ago, sorry it's coming late.

Continuing from my caitlyn/bruce jenner story,

It's upsetting, annoying, absurd, unfair and totally preposterous that the message the media is trying to pass with this so called trans gender case of Mr or madam jenner, is that being a woman is all and only about wearing dresses, shoes, holding purses, having boobs, painting red lips, posing nude for pictures, and continuously trying to  feel sexy!! To this I curse who ever promotes this and I say they are not just wrong but confused and are a waste of the human race.