Friday 17 February 2017

What makes us US

What defines your being?
What makes you whole?
What keeps your fire burning?
What gives your life a meaning?
What makes you YOU??
The questions are endless. They (and even more) cross my mind everyday. Sometimes i can answer but other times, it just leaves me in deep thoughts about life.
We all have different stories to tell. Sometimes of our experiences, that of friends or family, other times just of our hopes and dreams. But is that who we are? Does our stories define us?
That ex convict who spent 20 years in prison for murdering her boyfriend (maybe because he cheated, maybe because she was sick, maybe because he hit her, or maybe because she just felt like it) and another 5 years in mental rehab who is now .............(i wont say what she has become). Yes her story involves murder, does that define who she is??
  Confusing right?, lol i know. But it is only confusing because you/we are trying so hard to give meaning and define other people's life. It is confusing because we can never truly tell another persons story based on our own perspective or what we hear from other people.
This piece is not about side talks or rumors or about minding our businesses. This piece is about what you make of it. It is about what ever your mind reflects on about YOU. This piece is not about how you think of others, it is about how you thing about you.
Please show me that person without a past and i will tell you how much of a liar he/she is. Things in our pasts mustn't always be filled with dirty secrets no. Sometimes our past just holds some memories we don't want to remember just for our own happiness, not because we care what the world thinks of it.
But is that right? Is it okay to luck away memories and move on? Is that being true to ourselves? Aren't we supposed to embrace our past, heal and then move on?.......... True but is it easy? Yes? No? how then do we move on and become US?
truth is there is no one way how. And we might not even know we are moving on or healing already. Some renowned inspirational speakers who went through a lot before getting to were they are today mostly didn't wright down how they overcame their demons until they had conquered.
So, i ask again what makes you YOU?
.....…..............(to be continued)
Remember, force a smile and be patient!

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