Tuesday 18 September 2018

Goodbye Dad, till we meet again.

I once had a man who brought me into a new place. A place i had never been or seen, a place filled with strange things and people. People filled with jealousy, hatred and evil. People who judged you without knowing you, people who condemned you without knowing what was in you.
Sometimes i was pained and wondered why he brought me here. I thought he definitely didn't love me if he chose to bring me to such a dark and evil place.
But i was wrong!!
As i grew older i realized all the goodness he wanted for me. 
And indeed i have learnt a lot from him.
he thought me to be proud i am different, he thought me to be nice unconditionally. 
He showed me that through religion i shall have no doubts or worry, that only through Gods path can i find true purpose and guidance.
My dad was a simple man. he was an academician (a teacher, in his own words). he was a professor of mathematics. naturally that should mean i would have no problems understanding mathematics well, that is far from the truth. But dadi never stressed over my phobia for mathematics as a matter of fact he once said to me not to worry. he said some people are just born that way but i should always try to crack whatever difficult question i come across no matter how difficult it may seem. in that i got to understand he was trying to teach me that a failed attempt is way better than no attempt at all. and that is one of the so many teachings he has given me.

My dad lived a noble and humble life, he never abused power or lived above his means. he also made sure he raised us in comfort but not luxury, even if he could afford it. He always created an avenue to tell the story of his upbringing. growing from grass to grace, him being a farmers son, struggling through school, how it was only through the grace of God that he got an education. His father (my grandfather) couldn't afford to send all his kids to school and my dads older brother was the one to have gotten an education in place of my father but some predestined circumstances came up along the line and dadi was chosen to go to school instead. He had it rough indeed!!

Dadi thought us that he knew his path wasn't going to be easy, but he also knew he wasn't going to give up so he drew closer to his creator. as a little child in primary school he prayed strongly and passionately like an adult who was facing the biggest trials.
God answered his prayers indeed.!

My dad took the name of his father (a poor farmer) to the world and gave it a unique stamp and legacy. a legacy with no dirty stains to it. Dadi came from nothing and created something for himself. something that cannot be understood by people who regard this world as their all and all. he created all the luxury he deprived himself of in this world, for himself in the next world.

My dad wasn't a tyrant in his home like most fathers. you will agree with me that most fathers would come home from a stressful day at work and unleash their frustrations on the family. my dad wasn't like that. it was hard for us to tell when he had stressful or annoying days at work. he was the nicest, kindest being i know.
He was a professor hence, everyone expected me to top my class and be a book warm. but my dad understood me so well. ever since i was a child he knew i was always more interested in the opposite things. when my mates where playing outside i would be drawing and creating stories. he once saw one of my drawings and was so amazed, i was surprised because i thought he could only be this amazed if i was solving some maths questions or things like that. it was from that day i got to understand the kinda person my dad really is. hes the type who would encourage you to reach your maximum potential. it never mattered to him if it was off his school of thought or not, it never mattered if you where of a different religion or ethnicity, all that truly mattered to him is that you live a meaningful life guided by Godliness, driven by your own passion and hard work. and with all that in check, you will always get his maximum support.

but in everything, he has thought me and most people who are close to him to fear God, to live life everyday knowing it could be your last and to prepare for the day you say goodbye to this earth because that is truly what matters most.


                              To be continued.............
  But until then, FORCE A SMILE AND BE HAPPY!!!

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