Wednesday 6 May 2015

Entrepreneurship minds on internship

Its been three days since my last post, and i apologize big time!! school things,work,hustle and a lot more. But i am here now and would definitely make up for the lost time.

Its the 6th of may 2015 and guess what?? THE 400 LEVEL STUDENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS STUDIES just finished there examinations. yeah yeah yeah, i know!! "whats the big deal in this one"?

Well, they are heading on industrial training program(internship) and they are very excited about it. I decided to write about this because i realized something very important. Some of the students are planning on a path that is not really good and advisable for them.

The department is that of entrepreneurship hence, their internship program is expected to take place in business & entrepreneurship related firms and organisations for no other reason, but for better learning process of the students involved. But students being the students that they are, don't believe or understand with their lecturers and coordinators. where as its for their own good.

Below is a list of reasons why students should consider interning in a firm that is related to their field of study:

  1. BETTER APPLICATION TO THINGS LEARNED IN THE CLASS ROOM                      No matter how rigorous or diverse your classroom experience wass, it all ends as a theoretical point of view. Interning in an organisation that provides practical processes to things learned would enable your general understanding of your course of study.
  2. DISCOVER YOUR MAIN POTENTIAL                                                                                    Think about the process like test running a new car before actually placing an order for it. Or you could see it as a form of window shopping except in this case you are not standing from a window, and you get to see the actual manufacturing process of the item. Let the experience provide with discovery of your self and where you would want to major in future.
  3. CONNECTIONS AND NETWORKING                                                                                      If you really have passion for your course of study and want to grow in that field, being connected and around the right people matter. Not only does it provide you with a god-father in that field, it also gives you a one on one advantage of studying how the player rolls.
  4. DEVELOP YOUR MINDSET, BUILD YOUR INTELLECT                                                   Entrepreneurship in Nigerian universities is a field that is still striving for popularity and acceptance. See yourself as a driver of this ship and don't step back in your little but important way of taking it to the promise land. Be an ambassador of creativity and innovation in this little way.
  5. IT IS A PLATFORM OF OPPORTUNITIES, USE IT WISELY                                           Last but definitely not the least, working in an organisation that relates to your field of study, puts you in a position of building good bonds for future references and possible employment. the reason for this is because, employers in your organisations have studied your work behavior, ethics, and also believe they have invested in you by training you. Although, if you show less desire and passion for working with them, you might just be giving them reasons to do away with you quickly. You should also note that, interning in an irrelevant organisation only tells the "oga's"of that organisation that you may not know why you are there, and you are equally irrelevant to them.           

Well that's all for today, but i wont delay my next post i promise...
until next time, stay blessed and,

                                                 ...force a smile & be patient.

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