Sunday 3 May 2015

Life Lesson: Ingratitude of Gratitude

As my first official post on my blog, I think its only fair and right that I blog about a recent and personal experience and it goes like this...

I left my house today a few minutes past the hour of 10:00 am heading for the ATM in town, went through the normal hustles and tussles in getting a taxi or whatever could transport someone. Luckily I got one not quite long, say 25 minutes after waiting. Now the whole waiting and getting a means of transport is not the main issue here. Hold on a while and I'll hit the point pretty soon.

The whole journey from my location to the ATM seemed like forever. With the way I was saddened in the back seat with "some kinda" people,  And facing my never ending fear of crossing a busy road, I felt "oh life is so hard and difficult" after seeing young peeps drive by in their air conditioned vehicles. Well I shoved the thought off as usual, used the ATM, got my money and headed on the same process of getting a taxi to take me back home. To my surprise I got one soon enough, and as soon as the vehicle started moving, I continued with my thoughts and worry of all that's going wrong around me. 

Now, that's when "it" happened...

An ACCIDENT had happened involving a white Pontiac vibe, a tricycle "ke-ke" and a motor-cycle "okada". The site of it scared me, the injured man on the floor, the sobbing elderly woman.
I know this is not something new, But what made it get to me this much is this...

"here I was worrying about things that doesn't even matter, And I forgot to do the most important thing which is to thank God. I am safe, hale and hearty. it wasn't up to an hour I passed that same road that the accident had occurred, forgive me Oh Lord"

My advice is, let's all learn to appreciate the little things around us, some are actually fighting so hard to have them. Things as little as being able to LAUGH at a joke, SEE a handsome/beautiful lady, RECOGNIZE the  site and presence of our loved ones, personally CHEW our food without an aid, and so on. The list is infinite please think about it. 

Stay blessed.

                                                                                    ...force a smile & be patient.

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