Friday 21 August 2015

immorality replaces LOVE

It is gradually happening, slowly and slowly it's getting acceptance. Finding it's way into our lives, leaving the darkness and sadness of where it rightfully belongs and occupying the brightness and joys of our world.

WHAT IS IT?? You may ask ...
It is the lust in our souls!! The new but very popular feeling and desire to please the world. It is new to some of us but it has long been in existence. This feeling/desire can make or mar we humans but I am not talking of how it can make us today. Today I am talking about the trends it has brought into our lives. The trends this desires have forced some people to accept as the truth and what is right. Oh Lord help us!!

It is confusing how all of a sudden the ways and teachings of the generations before us have been swept under the carpet and hidden away from accessible book shelves. I am talking about those teachings that prohibit theft, unnecessary killing, fornication/adultery etc.
Our generation has forgotten what it TRULY means to Love and be Loved.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

THE TRUE REALITY-1-(what we refuse to learn from life's teachings)

I am sure it's no longer news that "Bruce jenner" father to popular teen kids kendall and Kyle jenner, step father to Kim kardashian, and ex husband to criss jenner is now a WOMAN!
The man or woman, is now to be called caitlyn jenner. He or she revealed his or her new look  on vanity Fair magazine. This is the result of of the so called new look
Hmmm i am indeed very speechless about the transformation. A lot of stories are up on the Web and entertainment news on the matter so you could look up on the Internet. But what I want to address is how time has indeed changed and how people dream and drool to be like those celebrities out there just because the media makes them look so happy and content. 

Sunday 3 May 2015

Life Lesson: Ingratitude of Gratitude

As my first official post on my blog, I think its only fair and right that I blog about a recent and personal experience and it goes like this...

I left my house today a few minutes past the hour of 10:00 am heading for the ATM in town, went through the normal hustles and tussles in getting a taxi or whatever could transport someone. Luckily I got one not quite long, say 25 minutes after waiting. Now the whole waiting and getting a means of transport is not the main issue here. Hold on a while and I'll hit the point pretty soon.