Wednesday 2 January 2019

What if (Episode .1)

What if after all the pain and suffering from this world,  the trials of the grave and nerve wrecking experience from the judgement day proceedings,
You are then called and being ushered to a place.
A place you have no idea of because maybe you weren't sure what your fate was after the proceedings.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Goodbye Dad, till we meet again.

I once had a man who brought me into a new place. A place i had never been or seen, a place filled with strange things and people. People filled with jealousy, hatred and evil. People who judged you without knowing you, people who condemned you without knowing what was in you.
Sometimes i was pained and wondered why he brought me here. I thought he definitely didn't love me if he chose to bring me to such a dark and evil place.
But i was wrong!!
As i grew older i realized all the goodness he wanted for me. 
And indeed i have learnt a lot from him.
he thought me to be proud i am different, he thought me to be nice unconditionally. 
He showed me that through religion i shall have no doubts or worry, that only through Gods path can i find true purpose and guidance.

Monday 16 April 2018

More than just a Taxi lady

So here i was,  standing on the road side for some minutes without any cab in sight, the sun scotching through my skin and me getting more and more tired of waiting. Then low and behold, my savior cab just drove by. As expected i hurried to the cab

Wednesday 8 March 2017

APPRECIATIONS. (Mother's, women and everything in between)

We should celebrate women everyday.
  So today is international women's day and i felt like saying a thing or two about what i have seen, learned and appreciated from different women, but most importantly MOTHERS.
Praising my own mother would be pretty obvious and much expected so lets leave that for later. As an African (Nigerian) i have seen women go through so much challenges and struggles just for the betterment of their kids. Yes i know it doesn't only happen in Africa, yes i know women from all over the world face different types of challenges.
The pain however, is how under appreciated they are, the pain is how this side of the world makes a woman feel she has to remain in that situation and endure even at the risk of her own life.
In the northern part of Nigeria, the normal and most common advice given to every wife no matter the situation at hand is "Ki yi hakuri" meaning be patient (and i am 90% sure the same is the case with other parts of the country too). Now is this a bad advice? No i don't think it is. I strongly believe that patience pays but i also know that the woman shouldn't be the one to always be patient and sorry. When the man is wrong the woman should be patient but when its the other way round the woman should be scolded and threatened to be sent back to her parents? No i don't think so. This is one of the many double standards that need to stop.

Friday 17 February 2017

What makes us US

What defines your being?
What makes you whole?
What keeps your fire burning?
What gives your life a meaning?
What makes you YOU??
The questions are endless. They (and even more) cross my mind everyday. Sometimes i can answer but other times, it just leaves me in deep thoughts about life.

Thursday 16 February 2017

THE TRUE REALITY-2-(what we refuse to learn from lifes teachings)

I was meant to post this a long time ago, sorry it's coming late.

Continuing from my caitlyn/bruce jenner story,

It's upsetting, annoying, absurd, unfair and totally preposterous that the message the media is trying to pass with this so called trans gender case of Mr or madam jenner, is that being a woman is all and only about wearing dresses, shoes, holding purses, having boobs, painting red lips, posing nude for pictures, and continuously trying to  feel sexy!! To this I curse who ever promotes this and I say they are not just wrong but confused and are a waste of the human race.

Friday 21 August 2015

immorality replaces LOVE

It is gradually happening, slowly and slowly it's getting acceptance. Finding it's way into our lives, leaving the darkness and sadness of where it rightfully belongs and occupying the brightness and joys of our world.

WHAT IS IT?? You may ask ...
It is the lust in our souls!! The new but very popular feeling and desire to please the world. It is new to some of us but it has long been in existence. This feeling/desire can make or mar we humans but I am not talking of how it can make us today. Today I am talking about the trends it has brought into our lives. The trends this desires have forced some people to accept as the truth and what is right. Oh Lord help us!!

It is confusing how all of a sudden the ways and teachings of the generations before us have been swept under the carpet and hidden away from accessible book shelves. I am talking about those teachings that prohibit theft, unnecessary killing, fornication/adultery etc.
Our generation has forgotten what it TRULY means to Love and be Loved.